Friday, October 16, 2009

FOLD in Public

Yesterday, I presented the work we are doing on this project as part of a one day conference at RAL on XML Access languages organised by XML UK and W3C UK.

Several other speakers mentioned the eXist Native XML database which underpins FOLD with enthusism and my session, the only one reporting on the user experience of these lanagauges and technologies when down well. Michael Kay talked about XSLT2 - his free Saxon engine will be incorporated into eXist when we next update the version ofthe software. Mark Birbeck from ( the developers of FormPlayer) talked about XForms persuasively and Andy Seaborne from HP Labs Semantic Web Group described SPARQL - a query langauge for RDF triples - an appraoch we had initially in mind for modelling organisational relationships.(Click Here to Know More)

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