Friday, July 31, 2009

Upgrade to Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium--from Creative Suite 1.x or 2.x (Premium or Standard), and other products

Redefine the extraordinary in web design and development Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium software sets a new standard for web-related media tools in design flexibility, technical efficiency, and creative potential. Creative Suite 4 Web Premium ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium

Redefine the extraordinary in web design and development Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium software sets a new standard for web-related media tools in design flexibility, technical efficiency, and creative potential. Creative Suite 4 Web Premium ...(Click Here to Know More)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Upgrade to Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium--from Illustrator CS through CS3; Photoshop CS through CS3; and other products

Redefine the extraordinary in web design and development Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium software sets a new standard for web-related media tools in design flexibility, technical efficiency, and creative potential. Creative Suite 4 Web Premium ...(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Web Applications Developer - Mobile, Contact Center, Voice - Mountain View

Title: Web Applications Developer - Mobile, Contact Center, Voice - Mountain View Link: Department: California - Mountain View. Location: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, ...(Click Here to Know More)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Practical Web Technologies (Paperback)

Practical Web Technologies provides a practical approach to successful Web development and a complete picture of modern Web technologies. Perfect for beginners, this book uses a hands-on approach with more than 150 fully-working examples that cover ...(Click Here to Know More)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Designing Web Services with the J2EE(TM) 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies (Java Series) (Paperback)

Written by Sun Microsystems' Java BluePrints team, Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform is the authoritative guide to the best practices for designing and integrating enterprise-level Web services using the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise ...(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Upgrade to Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Standard

Streamline web design, development, and maintenance Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Standard software helps you complete your tasks quickly and efficiently with the primary tools for web and interactive design and development. Move your creations from ...(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Standard

Streamline web design, development, and maintenance Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Standard software helps you complete your tasks quickly and efficiently with the primary tools for web and interactive design and development. Move your creations from ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Upgrade to Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Standard--from Flash (Basic or Professional) 8, MX 2004, and other products

Streamline web design, development, and maintenance Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Standard software helps you complete your tasks quickly and efficiently with the primary tools for web and interactive design and development. Move your creations from ...(Click Here to Know More)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Web Applications Engineer - New York

Title: Web Applications Engineer - New York Link: Department: New York - New York. Location: 76 9th Avenue, New York, NY, 10011, USA Modified: 2009/4/23 Issued: 2009/1/14 Summary: This ...(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Web Applications Developer - Mobile, Contact Center, Voice - New York

Title: Web Applications Developer - Mobile, Contact Center, Voice - New York Link: Department: New York - New York. Location: 76 9th Avenue, New York, NY, 10011, USA Modified: 2009/3/17 ...(Click Here to Know More)

Monday, July 20, 2009

An analysis of Web searching by European users [An article from: Information Processing and Management] [HTML] (Digital)

This digital document is a journal article from Information Processing and Management, published by Elsevier in 2005. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view ...(Click Here to Know More)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right, Second Edition

This latest edition of The Definitive Guide to Django is updated for Django 1.1, and, with the forward-compatibility guarantee that Django now provides, should serve as the ultimate tutorial and reference for this popular framework for years to come ...(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP

Want to assert yourself as a cutting-edge PHP web developer? Take a practical approach, learning by example from author Quentin Zervaas, and discover how to bring together the many technologies needed to create a successful, modern web application. ...(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0 (Paperback)

Microformats burst onto the scene a couple of years ago and are fast becoming an essential tool for all professional web designers and developers. Imagine being able to integrate all of your web-based contact details, tagged articles, and ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Semantic Web For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) (Paperback)

Semantic Web technology is already changing how we interact with data on the Web. By connecting random information on the Internet in new ways, Web 3.0, as it is sometimes called, represents an exciting online evolution. Whether you're a consumer ...(Click Here to Know More)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Perspectives on Web Services: Applying SOAP, WSDL and UDDI to Real-World Projects (Springer Professional Computing) (Hardcover)

This book is designed as a full and rich source book for architects, developers and project managers of Web services projects. The book is written by experienced practitioners. The text is accompanied by a realistic case study which leads the reader ...(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Review: Naomi's Web (2000)

It's fairly easy to review a big-budget, studio released movie, especially when it's bad, and even more especially when it's irredeemably so. After all, the kabillion dollars that's blown on Rilly Bad Flicks, just begs folks like me to come along ...(Click Here to Know More)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Flow on the net-detecting Web users' positive affects and their flow states [An article from: Computers in Human Behavior] [HTML] (Digital)

This digital document is a journal article from Computers in Human Behavior, published by Elsevier in . The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any ...(Click Here to Know More)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Perspectives on Web Services: Applying SOAP, WSDL and UDDI to Real-World Projects (Springer Professional Computing)

This book is designed as a full and rich source book for architects, developers and project managers of Web services projects. The book is written by experienced practitioners. The text is accompanied by a realistic case study which leads the reader ...(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Web Designer's Reference (Paperback)

Most web design books concentrate on a single technology or piece of software,leaving the designer to figure out how to put all the pieces together. This book is different. Web Designer's Reference provides a truly integrated approach to web design. ...(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Web Usability: A User-Centered Design Approach

User Interface Design/Human Computer Interaction Web Usability: A User-Centered Design Approach Jonathan Lazar, Towson University ISBN 0-321-32135-9 DESIGN WITH THE USER IN MIND A Web site design that does not consider its user is a Web site that is ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Easy Guide to Web Video

Your step-by-step guide to capturing, preparing, uploading and sharing video on the web! Easy Guide to Web Video shows you the easy way to get started with video on the web. It covers everything from capturing video from your camcorder, to editing ...(Click Here to Know More)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Designing CSS Web Pages (Voices That Matter)

Go beyond the mechanics of CSS to how to think in the language of web design, and avoid the common pitfalls. Full of examples and deconstruction's to aid in understanding CSS and its application. The ability to use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is ...(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Beginning Microsoft Office Live: Build Your Own Web Site Quickly and Easily (Beginning from Novice to Professional) (Paperback)

Having a web site is almost mandatory whether you are an individual promoting yourself, part of a company showcasing its products or services, or even a member of a band promoting its music, for instance; but unless you want to hire an expert to put ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

WEEK ON THE WEB: Penske inks tentative deal to buy Saturn - Crain's Detroit Business

WEEK ON THE WEB: Penske inks tentative deal to buy Saturn
Crain's Detroit Business, MI
ALSO: Tweaked Cobo bill could give Bing veto power; On the move; Other news; Obituaries. Roger Penske has signed a memorandum of understanding with General Motors Corp. that would give his dealership chain, Penske Automotive Group, Saturn's 350 ...
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our worldwide web of students - Times of India

Our worldwide web of students
Times of India, India
France, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand, Ireland, Russia, Dubai...the web of Indian students has spread worldwide. Will the summer migration ever stop? Should it? Not in the near future. "The cut-offs for admission here are very high and there are many ...
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