10 years of web triumph Rapid tv news, UK New demographics have also started using the web, such as older people. In 1999, one internaut out of three was aged between 35 and 49, today the 50 + demo represents 29% of the web users. Internet has also become more democratic, and not confined to ... |
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
10 years of web triumph - Rapid tv news
Monday, June 29, 2009
Web design & FOSS - ZDNet UK
Web design & FOSS ZDNet UK, UK Originally I was going to use grsync to backup all my common application data and work files, on my personal web host. I came across a good rsync backup tutorial, plus details on syncing with Dreamhost on their personal backup server. ... |
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Securing the Social Web at Work - PC World
Securing the Social Web at Work PC World Websense CTO Dan Hubbard outlines four ways companies can protect their information from threats and compromise on the social Web. 1) Most Web Posts on Blogs and Forums are Actually Unwanted Content (Spam and Malware) As more and more people interact ... |
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Google's Brin: Time to speed up the web - ZDNet UK
Google's Brin: Time to speed up the web ZDNet UK, UK Google co-founder Sergey Brin says he wants to change the rules of software and help traditional media find a new business model, but the web needs a performance boost first. In a conversation at Google's I/O developer event in San Francisco on ... |
Friday, June 26, 2009
Make the unfiltered web illegal, says children's coalition - guardian.co.uk
Make the unfiltered web illegal, says children's coalition guardian.co.uk, UK Internet companies should be forced to filter the web in order to reduce the volume of indecent material being shared online, according to children's charities. In a new "digital manifesto" published today, a leading group of charities including the ... |
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Plague of web bugs descend on British sites - Register
Plague of web bugs descend on British sites Register, UK It's been a busy week for high-profile web vulnerabilities, with discoveries of careless bugs on the sites of three British companies. Online banking sites for HSBC and Barclays Group and the website for The Telegraph were caught with their pants down, ... |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Web hits surge in wake of expenses scandal - HoldTheFrontPage.co.uk
Web hits surge in wake of expenses scandal HoldTheFrontPage.co.uk, UK Are you seeing a spike in web visitors and print sales because of misdemeanant MP? Are supporters flocking to your comment forums and letters pages thankful they've got one of the good guys? Please tell us about it by emailing editor.htfp@and.co.uk. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sony to launch smaller, lighter PSP -game web sites - guardian.co.uk
Sony to launch smaller, lighter PSP -game web sites guardian.co.uk, UK TOKYO, June 1 (Reuters) - Japan's Sony Corp plans to sell a smaller and lighter PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld game machine later this year, according to video game web sites which cite what they say is Sony's own promotional video clip. ... |
Monday, June 22, 2009
Security group calls for 'report abuse' button on web sites - VNUNet.com
Security group calls for 'report abuse' button on web sites VNUNet.com, UK Web sites aimed at consumers should feature a 'report abuse' button as standard to alert firms to security problems on their own sites, according to the Information Security Awareness Forum (ISAF). The ISAF said that, while some web sites do feature a ... |
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Digital Britain is on track but refuseniks are still a worry - guardian.co.uk
Digital Britain is on track but refuseniks are still a worry guardian.co.uk, UK The most common use of the web is still to send and receive email, according to Ofcom's recent Accessing the Internet At Home survey. More than 20% of internet users go to social networking sites, while despite all the noise about catch-up TV services ... |
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Endologix Announces Live Web Cast of Presentation in SMH Capital ... - MarketWatch
Endologix Announces Live Web Cast of Presentation in SMH Capital ... MarketWatch Participants can pre-register for the event by visiting the following Web link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/741291363. A live Web cast of the presentation will also be made available on the Investor Relations section of the Endologix Web site ... |
Friday, June 19, 2009
Rate alert: the web's favourite savings accounts - Telegraph.co.uk
Rate alert: the web's favourite savings accounts Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom Branches are expensive for banks to run and as a result branch-based accounts tend to pay some of the lowest rates on the market. In comparison, with much lower overheads, online accounts are cheaper and easier to run, and this saving is passed on ... |
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Univision wants Televisa to keep its shows off the Web - Los Angeles Times
Univision wants Televisa to keep its shows off the Web Los Angeles Times, CA Univision has attempted to police unauthorized use of its shows because it doesn't want to lose its viewers or ad revenue to the Web, but the task is daunting. "We regularly monitor and require YouTube to take down pirated program materials," a ... |
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ryanair gets in a tangle with web-only check-in - The Herald
![]() RTE.ie | Ryanair gets in a tangle with web-only check-in The Herald, UK The Irish no-frills operators last month became the first airline to move to a web-only check-in service which imposes £40 surcharge on any passengers who turn for a flight without having printed off their boarding passes at home. ... Ryanair website to close for maintenance Ireland Online all 12 news articles |
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Web romance with bogus cyber siren reveals elite lifestyle of ... - guardian.co.uk
![]() BBC News | Web romance with bogus cyber siren reveals elite lifestyle of ... guardian.co.uk, UK "While everyday Cubans were banned from using the internet cafes in Havana hotels, this guy had a blackberry and unlimited access to the web," Dominguez told the Miami Herald. There was no immediate reaction from Cuba's government to the claims. ... Castro's son reveals elite lifestyle in web romance with '26-year ... Indian Express Prankster dupes Fidel Castro's son into web romance Sydney Morning Herald Castro's son duped into web romance Times of India all 205 news articles |
Monday, June 15, 2009
FDA Targets Fake Web Claims for H1N1 Products - Wall Street Journal Blogs
WANE | FDA Targets Fake Web Claims for H1N1 Products Wall Street Journal Blogs, NY Two-thirds of the Web sites have since removed the offending claims or products, it said. “We are committed to aggressively pursuing those who attempt to take advantage of a public health emergency by promoting and marketing unapproved, uncleared, ... FDA Warns Web Sites against Marketing Fraudulent H1N1 Flu Virus Claims FDA.gov FDA warns of phony H1N1 cure claims United Press International FDA campaign against swine flu scams making a dent The Associated Press Attorney at Law all 79 news articles |
How Iranians Get Around Web Censors - FOXNews
![]() Times Online | How Iranians Get Around Web Censors FOXNews Following the controversial announcement that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had won in a landslide late Friday, Iranian authorities disabled cell-phone text-messaging and blocked Web sites such as Facebook and youtube. But Iranians who'd voted for the ... Video: Obama: Iranian Voters Should Be Heard The Associated Press Millions Around World Following Iran Events Via Web Mediapost.com DDOS attacks on Iran's web-sites: what a stupid idea! Foreign Policy editorsweblog.org - VNUNet.com all 17,044 news articles |
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Google makes a new wave and transforms the browser - guardian.co.uk
Google makes a new wave and transforms the browser guardian.co.uk, UK Once upon a time, web pages were just text, written in something called "Hypertext Mark-Up Language" or HTML. This is a code that makes much use of angle brackets, quotation marks and forward slashes. When your computer requested a web page from a site ... |
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Marks & Spencer begins web transformation - VNUNet.com
Marks & Spencer begins web transformation VNUNet.com, UK Marks & Spencer (M&S) has gone live with the first phase of a major web site refresh project. According to the retailer, the initial stage of the project involved changes in the navigational structure of its web site, with enhanced features such as ... |
Friday, June 12, 2009
A look at inside the weird world of the worldwide web: this week ... - Times Online
A look at inside the weird world of the worldwide web: this week ... Times Online, UK 'My name is Carles Puyol i Saforcada, Commander of the Armies in the North, General of the Catalonian Legions, Loyal Servant to the true Emperor, Josep “Pep†Guardiola.' And, thanks to this pre-match motivational video, now captain of the European ... |
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Britney Spears topless photos hit the web - Daily Contributor
![]() Daily Contributor | Britney Spears topless photos hit the web Daily Contributor, Philippines In the pictures, the 27-year-old pop star writhes around in a sexy pole-dance, covering her exposed breasts with fake rose tattoos. Hmmm… and she looks pleased to be flaunting her twin assets. The images, on News of the World, and a number of other ... |
Web of deceit - Gulf Daily News
![]() Gulf Daily News | Web of deceit Gulf Daily News, Bahrain It says that it provides "Muslim singles with the largest selection of potential marriage partners on the web, with more than one million members worldwide." In Bahrain alone 3671 Muslim singles are already taking advantage of the service with ... |
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
UK 'must log' phone and web use - BBC News
![]() BBC News | UK 'must log' phone and web use BBC News, UK All internet and phone traffic should be recorded to help the fight against terrorism, according to one of the uk's former spy chiefs. Civil rights campaigners have criticised ministers' plans to log details of such contact as "Orwellian". ... |
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
WEB NEWS: There are terrific buys to be had on the net - if you ... - Daily Mail
![]() Daily Mail | WEB NEWS: There are terrific buys to be had on the net - if you ... Daily Mail, UK By Kate Melhuish Free Green Market is an eco social shopping network that allows people to search through hundreds of green and ethical products from a range of retailers, such as Waitrose and its pedal-power eco cart. You can compare prices, ... |
Monday, June 8, 2009
Is the web's amateur hour over? - BBC News
![]() BBC News | Is the web's amateur hour over? BBC News, UK At least, that's the title that Andrew Keen, a strident critic of web utopianism, revels in. Mr Keen is a British-born entrepreneur who made his fortune in Silicon Valley and then decided, with all the zeal of a reformed smoker or lapsed Catholic, ... |
Ex-spy chief warns of web dangers - BBC News
![]() BBC News | Ex-spy chief warns of web dangers BBC News, UK Ex-spy chief Sir David Pepper has told BBC Two programme Who's Watching You? the web presents an unprecedented challenge for the intelligence services. In his first broadcast interview, the former director of the listening service GCHQ says it has a ... UK 'must log' phone and web use BBC News all 3 news articles |
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Gov't could slow illegal downloaders' web access - PC Advisor
![]() Pocket-lint.com | Gov't could slow illegal downloaders' web access PC Advisor, UK Instead, Burnham told a music industry conference this week that "technical solutions" would be used to prevent music and film being pirated on the web. Although Burnham didn't detail exactly what solutions would be used, he said they would "limit or ... Web pirates placed in 'slow lane' BBC News Set-top boxes could help deliver 2Mbps Telappliant VoIP News all 37 news articles |
David Carradine Death Photo and Alarming Crime Web Pic Trend - Digital City
![]() New York Times | David Carradine Death Photo and Alarming Crime Web Pic Trend Digital City, NY The alarming trend of inappropriate photos posted on the web is getting more and more attention. Recently, Mark Musarella, a New York City EMT worker and a retired, pensioned NYPD officer, was charged with a misdemeanor for allegedly posting a photo to ... Video: Carradine's Family Wants FBI to Probe Death The Associated Press Actor David Carradine Found Dead in Bangkok Hotel HispanicBusiness.com David Carradine Naked Photos Anorak.co.uk (satire) Los Angeles Times Blogs all 4,960 news articles |
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Web Game Launched - Gamers Hell
![]() Seattle Post Intelligencer | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Web Game Launched Gamers Hell, UK The official Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen website is now hosting the Battle for the AllSpark V2 web game - fans that answer the call can join the AUTOBOTS or DECEPTICONS and compete in real time challenges online against other players worldwide ... Web Game Teaser Released for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Softpedia Activision Launches Transformers Web Game IncGamers.com Activision Unveils Battle for the AllSpark V2 Online Game on Its ... PR Newswire (press release) all 269 news articles |
Friday, June 5, 2009
The benefits of web workouts - Telegraph.co.uk
![]() Telegraph.co.uk | The benefits of web workouts Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom Thanks to the miracle of the internet you can now achieve a gym bunny physique dressed in your pyjamas. By Lucy Atkins Fitness experts these days generally agree that ''integrative exercise'' is the answer to our couch potato lifestyles. ... |
CBS News to Let a Web Site Pick Up Its Live Coverage - New York Times
![]() Mashable | CBS News to Let a Web Site Pick Up Its Live Coverage New York Times, United States By BRIAN STELTER Seeking a younger audience more accustomed to watching the news on the Internet than on television, CBS News said Monday that it had joined with a live video Web site to simulcast its newscasts and special reports. ... CBS to Live-Stream the 'Evening News' with Ustream MediaPost Publications all 11 news articles |
Thursday, June 4, 2009
New Twilight “New Moon†Trailer Hits The Web - Ontario Now
![]() The Age | New Twilight “New Moon†Trailer Hits The Web Ontario Now, Canada The new Twilight trailer has just hit the web and it's already the most searched topic today. The first movie brought home 5 MTV awards last night, and the next installment is rumored to be just as powerful a movie. What's more, Twilight has some ... New Twilight Trailer Hits The Web Gossip Jackal 'Twilight: New Moon' trailer hits the Web The Express Times - LehighValleyLive.com New Twilight New Moon Trailer Hits The Web E Canada Now Actress Archives all 2,855 news articles |
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hartford, Connecticut Hotel Launches New Web Site, Optimization ... - PR-CANADA.net (press release)
![]() PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) | Hartford, Connecticut Hotel Launches New Web Site, Optimization ... PR-CANADA.net (press release), Montenegro The kick off to this progress, a new independent Web site, has just launched. With contribution from the hotel, WRS devised, optimized and created new content for the Web site entirely in house. The new site represents the property as an ideal choice ... Strategies for Search Engine Optimization Özel Web Tasarım Is There a Link Between SEO and Social? ClickZ News 5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Website Design Firm Internet Search Engine Database Özel Web Tasarım - Özel Web Tasarım all 46 news articles |
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